Language grammar

The grammar consists of a list of genotype or phenotype designations, separated by spaces and/or commas. The designations are described using the following nomenclature:

Designation Grammar expression
feature deleted -feature
feature at locus deleted -feature@locus
feature inserted +feature
site replaced with feature site>feature
site (multiple integration) replaced with feature site>>feature
site at locus replaced with feature site@locus>feature
feature of organism organism/feature
feature with type type.feature
feature with variant feature(variant)
feature with list of variants feature(var1, var2) or feature(var1; var2)
feature with accession number feature#GB:123456
feature by accession number #GB:123456
accession number #database:id or #id
fusion of feature1 and feature2 feature1:feature2
insertion of two fused features +feature1:feature2
insertion of a list of features or fusions +{..insertables}
fusion of a list and a feature {..insertables}:feature
a non-integrated plasmid (plasmid) or (plasmid ...insertables)
integrated plasmid vector with required insertion site site>(vector ..insertables)